Disaster Check In, Inc... Apps

Disaster Check In 1.2
The immediate reaction of anyone touched byadisaster is to connect with their loved ones, which can prove tobedifficult, or in some cases impossible. Disaster Check In isthefirst and only app of its kind with the ability to check inwithall your loved ones all at once, by the touch of a button. Findoutif everyone is safe or needs help by receiving the status ofallyour contacts with immediate notification alerts and accurateGPSlocation.Disaster Check In, Inc. is a company specializing indisasterpreparedness and communications. The use of this app mayhelpprevent telephone system overloads, and may still be used whenthepower goes out, or phone lines are jammed.Once a check-in has been submitted, an automatic alert willgoout to all of your app contacts by push notifications (in appalertmessages), SMS text messages, and emails. Check-in featuresincludeyour status, optional text, accurate GPS, and the ability tocheckin your contacts. The user may also send messages toindividuals orgroups all at once.The Disaster Check In app is available on Apple, Android, andtheInternet. This app may also be used independently from asmartphone, by logging at www.disastercheckin.com. The app isnowavailable in English, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, and Hindi,withadditional languages coming soon.The Disaster Check In App is already being used world wide. It’sagreat resource for any family, whether you have loved onesnearbyor in another country. Staying in contact in the mostcriticaltimes has never been easier, and it's available free!Emergencies are not a matter of “If”, but “When”. Preparenow,and have peace of mind for when disaster strikes. DisasterCheck Inprovides you with the most simplistic, effective, andreliable appspecifically designed for its purpose. For suggestionsand/orinquires regarding the app or its functions, [email protected].
*The use of this app is not intended to replace 911 orotheremergency response systems, and its capabilities arerestricted tothe limitations of your device. Standard textmessaging and datarates may apply.*Disaster Check In, Inc., is not responsible for contentpostedby individual users.*Disaster Check In, Inc., will not disclose your informationtothird parties for any purpose whatsoever.